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Chroma and L’Arche celebrated disability and 2SLGBTQIA+ pride holding a beach games day

Last Saturday with temperatures in the high 20s, the beach was the perfect spot to be. Just as celebrating rainbow pride all year long is important, so is celebrating disability pride, and making space for those who share both identities. Chroma teamed up with L’Arche Saint John to hold a beach games day. Some folks went swimming, while others played bocce, went for a walk, or chatted in the welcome shade of a beach-side tree. 

Fun was had by all! 

Photo gallery: Koshy Amal
Featured image: City of Saint John

Chroma is making the most of summer! If you are looking for another opportunity to meet us at the beach, look no further than this Sunday, August 28’s Sand Sculpture Competition at Bay Shore beach in West Saint John. 

2SLGBTQIA+ and Ally Beach Day and Sand Sculpture Competition by Chroma & Sculpture Saint John

In partnership Sculpture Saint John and artist Amy Ash, Chroma welcomes 2SLGBTQIA+ families, individuals and allies to a beach day at the ocean. Enjoy a summer day with friends and meet new ones!…

Chroma: Pride, Inclusion, Equality Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides support for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the Saint John Region. Chroma commits to advocating for and collaborating with our community, as well as providing 2SLGBTQIA+ education to all. We promote positive initiatives for the community and conduct research to highlight gaps in services and policy to encourage positive change.

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